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Property insurance

Land transport refrigeration cargo insurance

Date:2010-08-26 Hit:7067       [Back]

A and responsibilities
This insurance is liable for:
(a) of the insured goods in transit due to the cause of all or part of the loss:
1 storm, lightning, earthquake, flood,
2 land transport from collisions, overturned or derailed,
3 in the process of the tools to consult stranded, consult foundered, sank, collision,
4 tunnel collapsed, YaBeng, fire, explosion.
(2) of the insured goods in transit or temperature refrigerating machines, due to the damage of equipment or car the melting ice storage caused by melting and corruption of the thaw.
(3) insurant suffers insurance liability for the goods taken in danger, the measures to prevent or minimize damage and pay the reasonable expenses, but shall not exceed the amount of insurance of the goods delivered.
Second, except responsibility
This insurance for the losses, shall not be liable for:
(a) insurant intentionally or loss caused by fault.
(2) is caused by the consignor of responsibility.
(3) of the insured goods in transit, not because of any stage is stored in the warehouse or place of storage equipment, or auxiliary transportation conveyance equipment or not without isolation temperature on the ice storage compartment within the goods caused enough corruption.
(4) of the insured goods at the commencement of the insurance liability for failing to keep in good condition when, including processing and bandage, frozen with the illegal and bone metamorphic caused by corruption and loss of goods.
(5) of the insured goods natural depletion, essence and characteristics and market defects fall, transportation delay caused losses and expenses.
(6) the company land transport cargo war clauses and cargo transport strikes clauses stipulated in the area of responsibility and except responsibility.
Third, from
This insurance liability of the insured goods from the place of departure from the policy of refrigerated warehouses in transport tools to transport into effective when, including normal land and related water until the goods, consult, arrive destination consignee named in the policy in the warehouse, but the longest valid insurance liability of the insured goods to arrive station for ten days after.
Four, the obligation of insurant
Insurant should according to the following provisions shall be based on the relevant matters.
(a) when the insured goods at the destination, the policy by the insured shall timely take delivery, when the insured goods that are corrupt or loss of any part of the insurance policy should be specified on the inspection, the inspection agent for claims, by its in this insurance liability before termination or loss rate determination corruption packages. If the insured goods that have obvious overall shortage or damage to the carrier shall, traces the trustee or the relevant authorities for goods damage. If the damage is due to poor goods carrier, the trustee or other related areas of responsibility, shall be in writing to claim them, when necessary, to obtain extended limitation of authentication. As stated above, fails to perform the obligation of insurant shall not be liable for the loss.
(2) the insured suffers risk within the goods, should promptly take reasonable measures, prevent or reduce the loss of goods.
The measures adopted, the insured shall not be considered as a waiver of abandonment, our company take the measure, also be regarded as accept the abandonment.
For if the insured fails to fulfill the obligation of the loss caused by the expansion, not liable.
(3) in the underwriter claim, must submit the following documents:
Insurance policy original, bill of lading, invoice, packing list and pound weight memo, damage, goods inspection reports and claims list. Such third party liability involved, must also provide the relevant to the responsibility of recourse letters and insurant can provide the other and confirm the property of insurance accident, reason, loss rate and other relevant proof and data.
If the insured fails to fulfill the obligation prescribed documents provided to verify that the insured loss situation, not to verify the insured cannot part does not assume liability to pay compensation.
Five, the indemnity of processing
(a) the insurance mark with the same value of the same or different marker but the same value of all kinds of bags, and firm, block, unless otherwise specified, all with the same weight as the same insurance value calculation with compensation.
(2) the underwriter receives the insurant shall promptly after the claimant to compensation and insurance liability is whether to belong to make verification, and the results will notify the insured. In the case of complex, the underwriter receives the insurant and claims for compensation within 30 days after the data to ratify the insurance liability, the underwriter and insurant according to actual circumstances, the underwriter is in reasonable consultation during the period agreed to verification results and notify the insured. The insurance liability to belong to the insured, in a relevant indemnity agreement within 10 days after, compensatory obligations.


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